Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Advantages of Rehearsal Studios London

When it comes time for your band to rehearse or you want to record, choosing Rehearsal studios London come with their own list of great advantages from easy accessibility for all band members to convenience and parking.

There are rehearsal rooms throughout the UK, but when you choose one in London you can enjoy peace of mind that all members can get there with ease due to the location and simple access to all major motorways. This ensures everyone can get to the studio whether travelling in their own vehicles or with public transport.

Of course you’re not going to travel without your equipment, drums, guitars and keyboards take up a lot of space and are heavy to carry into rehearsal areas, so you need to find one that offers ground floor studios with easy access from the car park. This ensures you can load and unload your equipment with ease in the shortest period of time, so you can get recording as quickly as possible.

If you have booked a rehearsal space for more than one day, you need it within easy reach of shops, restaurants and hotels with ample storage to lock your equipment away safely when not in use. This is important, because you don’t want to end up in a situation where you need to carry your expensive equipment up into hotel rooms and then hope it’s safe while you’re out eating dinner.

Various Rehearsal Room Sizes for Convenience

The rehearsal studios London also offer two sizes of studios to meet your requirements; both come with their own range of benefits.

A 600 foot studio for smaller groups with a kitchen and shower complete with PA and backline or a 1,000 foot studio for larger groups with PA and backline, three phase power, staging and a forty channel mixing desk for added convenience.

It doesn’t stop there though, when you choose one of these rehearsal spaces you can enjoy repairs done to equipment nearby. The studios have technicians standing by should anything go wrong with your equipment. This is always bound to happen during recording and repairs can be lengthy and costly processes which are a huge inconvenience to the recording process.

If you intend making a music video you can take advantage of the pre-lit Chroma key green screen available. The screen offers you the ability to put your own video behind the musicians later on and is used when making films, TV, videos and music videos. Add your own personal touches to your music videos rather than it just showing the band on the stage, give it the wow factor you were hoping for.

Assistance isn’t far way when you choose to use the control room and recording facility with experienced engineers on hand to give a helping hand when you need them.

When you look at all the advantages offered with Rehearsal Studios London, it’s easy to see that with simple accessibility, convenience and superb location, this is the way forward for any band looking for rehearsal or recording space in the UK.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Superior Rehearsal Space London

There are many reasons you may decide that Rehearsal space London is right for you. Maybe your band is ready to make their first demo or their first music video, maybe you are putting together a TV production or a short film or maybe you are even starting out in the photography industry and have arranged for some models to come so you can put your photography portfolio together.

Choosing London as a base for this is an always a good idea, it’s easily accessible from all over the country.  When choosing a rehearsal studio ensure you choose on that is outside the congestion zone but within easy reach of all the major motorways, this way you know everyone can get to the space without too much hassle whether travelling in their own vehicles or by public transport.

The next thing you need to take into consideration is where the studios are located in the building, if you have lots of heavy and expensive equipment carrying it up and down stairs is a huge inconvenience. So find rehearsal space London that offers ground floor studios with direct yard access for added convenience. Being in London you will also want to ensure that they offer free parking with the studio rental.

Next consider how close they are to restaurants and shops in the area. You will want to take breaks throughout the day so this is an important part of the hiring process. This ensures everyone can take a break, get a bite to each or run to the shop with ease and get back in time to start rehearsing again.

Storage and Repairs

Does the rehearsal space offer storage facilities and repairs? You never think that your equipment will break down and it will always do so when you least want it to, for example just in the middle of rehearsals when everyone has just got what they are meant to and you are about to start recording. The studio should have repairs available to get your equipment fixed quickly and if all else fails they should offer rentals for the more important equipment needed.

Storage is also important especially if you intend staying for a couple of days. You don’t want to be carrying your equipment back and forth to your vehicle and to your hotel before and after each long day, you want to be able to store it safely and enjoy your evening out before heading back to the hotel without the worry.

Green Screen London :

If you are filming then you will want a green screen. You can hire these but transporting them can be an inconvenience, so find yourself rehearsal space London that has this on offer and find it already set up in the studio you have booked on your arrival enabling you to make your TV production, short film or photography session personalized and unique.

The green screen offers you so much in terms of your own personal stamp on your work; you can add video or pictures behind the people you have taped, making your work stand out in a professional way.